The Nifty Nurse
Your info source for all things Nursing!

Are you a newly licensed nurse, in nursing school, or an experienced RN?
Whichever one you are, we are here to help you. Nursing is hard, but rewarding; stressful, but reliable. We are here to support you through your career and make your job easier. The nifty nurse is here to educate and encourage nurses of all backgrounds. Let us be your mentor so you can focus on being a confident, caring, and happy nurse.
Recent Articles

A Nurse’s Guide to Financial Wellness: Money-Saving Strategies
As a nurse, you might often find yourself juggling high-stress work environments while also trying to manage your finances effectively. […]

Labor and Delivery Nurse 101: Your Comprehensive Guide
In the world of health care, nursing is a broad field with various specializations, each demanding unique skills for specific […]

Different Types of Nurses
Wondering what nursing positions and opportunities are waiting for you? Depending on your education, training, and preferences, you can choose […]
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